Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hummelstown, PA

Welcome and Blessings! We're delighted to have you here. Whether you're new to our community or already "a part of our family," we hope you'll find everything you need. Currently we are a blended congregation comprised of members of Zion and St. Paul, Sandhill Lutheran Churches.


Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 9:30 am for a traditional worship experience or Wednesday afternoon from 12:00 pm (noon) to 12:30 pm for a short, spoken service. Holy Communion is offered at all services. If you are unable to join us in person we offer a live streamed service option. Just click the live-streaming button. 

 Also, please refer to our Weather and Cancellations tab to find up to date information regarding weather cancellations.

Dinner Church scheduled for Saturday February 8 has been postponed until Saturday February 15 due to the expected snow.


We are located at:
100 W. Main Street 
Hummelstown, PA
Phone: 717.566.2589
Email: [email protected] 

Living into God's Mission...

We are a member of the Lower Susquehanna Synod, a division of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Here’s everything you need to know when you come to worship at Zion Lutheran Church. 

First Time Visitor

We welcome you to Zion. We trust that your worship experience is spiritually uplifting, that you are nourished in hearing the Word of God and celebrating the Lord’s Supper, and that you are warmly welcomed. Please take a moment to complete a “Visitor’s Card” and introduce yourself to the Pastor following worship. Let this first-time visit be the beginning of a new relationship with the people of God who have come to know Christ and are sent out to serve others as “God’s Hands.”

Zion Evangelical Lutheran

Zion is a community rooted in a rich heritage, inspired by great music, and filled with the love of Jesus. A presence in the Hummelstown community since 1753 Zion seeks to lift up the name of Jesus as well as to offer ministry that lifts up the community, the individual, and the world. We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) one of the largest Lutheran bodies in the country.  We confess the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  In our preaching and teaching we trust the Gospel as the power of  God for the salvation of all who believe. 

As a congregation of the ELCA, we affirm the ELCA’s official Confession of Faith which identifies the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, (commonly called the Bible), the Apostles’, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, and the Lutheran confessional writings in the Book of Concord as the basis for our teaching.


Our Service

 The Sanctuary is a large, beautiful worship space complemented by stained glass windows along the outside and back walls. The marble altar and the cross draw the eyes from the back of the worship space to the front Chancel area. As one continues to survey the space, the pipes for the organ, the choir area and the organ console come into view. At the Sunday worship services, an usher will greet you, provide a bulletin to guide you through the worship service, and respond to your questions. A list of helpful worship notes is found on the inside cover of the bulletin. Both services are musical settings of the liturgy along with hymns. 

Weekly Communion

Holy Communion is offered every Sunday at both services. The distribution is continuous flow. Ushers will direct you to the communion rail by the center aisle. Please pick up a cup for wine, and if needed, a gluten free wafer and/or a glass of white grape juice. Carry your item(s) to the center steps to receive the elements of Christ’s body and blood from the pastor and lay assistant. When finished, place your cup in the container on the shelf at the front pew and return to your pew by the side aisle. Pre-packaged grape juice and wine communion elements are available in the rear of the Nave if you desire not to come forward to receive Holy Communion.