Music at Zion
(This Tab is currently under construction )
Zion believes that lifting up the name of Jesus does not happen just in scripture and readings and sermons alone. Martin Luther introduced music to the Mass for the edification and enjoyment of the congregation -- but also to increase their participation in the Mass. Choral and instrumental groups for all ages offer opportunities for the use of musical gifts to the glory and praise of God. All groups enjoy a summer recess, but from September—May rehearsals are generally held on Wednesday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to share their gifts of music through singing, playing, and participating in musical offerings such as a guitar group throughout the year.
The Lutheran Hymnal, officially titled Evangelical Lutheran Worship offers ten different worship settings for Sunday Mass. These different settings offer a variety of liturgies and song tunes for the worship experience. Here at Zion we try to change the liturgy every season so as to keep our worship alive and adaptive.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:30 pm.
Bells Angels
Bells Angels rehearse every Wednesday at 6:45 pm.